Oh yeah yeah... Oh yeah yeah yeah
I love Bruno Mars. He is AMAZING and very talented. I know what the song is really about and its not in the literal sense.
I was listening to this on my ipod and was thinking of how many people really probably do feel as though they will pass on, arrive to heaven's gates, and it has just been shut and locked "click." With a man dressed in a red suit, you know who, saying "bring em on down to satanville" Did I mention I love JT and SNL too?
No, but really they feel as though they are not worthy of heaven or God's love. I've been there and I completely understand. I have done things in my life that have made me believe I am not deserving. And I know Christianity turns alot of people off because they feel as though they are being judged. You gotta go to church, you have to tithe, no drinking, cussing, oh and you over there listen to the wrong music. This is what the text says it takes to get to heaven.
Romans 10:9 If you declare with your mouth, “Jesus is Lord,” and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.
Mark 16:16: Jesus says, "He who believes and is baptized will be saved, but he who does not believe will be condemned."
When I was younger, me, a friend, and my sister were playing in one of those plastic pools. So we have this bright idea after learning about John the baptist that we are going to baptize my sister. Good thing we didn't learn the story of Abraham and sacrifices that day! Ok I was not even school age and my mom was horrified when we told her what we were going to do! I'm not quite sure if we managed to get it done. She's still alive today if your wondering. Love you Emily, I was just trying to do right by God! Haha!
So pretty much you have to believe God sent his son Jesus the Messiah to earth to die for YOUR sins and raised him from the dead and be baptised. That's it! It does not say you have to be beating down the doors to the church every sunday! Do I personally think it's important, of course. It holds me accountable for sure.
Isaiah 64:6: All of our righteous deeds are as filthy rags.
Our preacher was talking about this on Easter. So pretty much on my best day I am my deeds are like filthy rags in God's eyes and when we compare ourselves to Jesus. NO ONE is perfect! Don't let them fool you. By nature we are all sinners and we all sin everyday! God sent Jesus to die for our sins so that we too could be saved. Wow! I couldn't do that.
I cried my eyes out the first night Easton stayed away from me. I knew I had to do it after having months of sleepless nights and even more exhausting weeks in the hospital. Now I know why they use sleep deprivation to torture people in foreign countries! You parents know what I am talking about! But, I could not imagine knowing my son would be put to death so others could live.
Now I think God would want me NOT to do things to hurt others or myself. I would think he would want me to try, but like I said it's not your activites of daily life that are going to save you.
This blog was not created for me to preach to you, but rather to share my thoughts on things. I have ALOT, I mean ALOT of thoughts. I'm kinda tired of keeping them to myself!
Live your life and quit judging and living in fear of being judged. Just don't get locked out of heaven. I want to see you there.
Go youtube: Bruno Mars Pandora skit and Justin Timberlake-Veganville/Liquorville