They say home is where the dog hair sticks to everything, but the dog. Oh geez, isn't that the truth! ;)
No, but really "home" is not JUST a house. It's a feeling. It's family. It's love. That's home.
"Home" still calls me daily. It's kinda funny because after all of these years "home" has changed alot for me. I have my own little family now, but "home" has always been and will always be my true blue momma.
So what's so special about this little lady, you ask? I could go on all day about her...
She taught me to laugh. I'll never forget the time she fell off the dryer and grabbed the freezer door on the way down and laid in the floor with frozen veggies surrounding her. Or the time we were in the mcdonalds line and she bumped the person in front of her and she told me "omg, i've never done that before." She forgot it was me with her the day before when she had done the same exact thing in the same mcdonalds line. I'm telling you we are suckers for those double cheeseburgers.
She taught me to dream. Sometimes it was for a house for our family, going to college, or becoming a country music star. "So much for pretending." I was obsessed with Bryan White. Not exactly sure why... lol! The sky was the limit and she made sure we knew that. We spent alot of time talking about our dreams and she was the driving force that put our dreams into action.
She taught me to see the beauty in life. Our house was small, but God knew where we lived. We always had a beautiful garden in the front yard full of wildflowers. And let me tell you we seriously changed the paint color on the walls about every 2 months. She could beautify anything!
She taught me to love with everything I have. I believe a mother's love has to be the closest thing to God's love here on earth. My mother loves people and she taught me to do the same. I cannot tell you how many times she gave money she didn't have to a client of stranger. She would give you the shirt off her back and I mean literally! My mom would always have to watch what she wore to my grandma's house because often she would come home without it! She has always been so selfless!
My mother is everything I long to be. She is my rock, my best friend, mentor, and has always been my soft place to land. She has molded me into who I am today. She built me.
If a house is a home then my mother is the house that built me.
Love you mom! Happy Birthday and Mother's Day!
“When God Created Mothers"
When the Good Lord was creating mothers, He was into His sixth day of "overtime" when the angel appeared and said. "You're doing a lot of fiddling around on this one."
And God said, "Have you read the specs on this order?" She has to be completely washable, but not plastic. Have 180 moveable parts...all replaceable. Run on black coffee and leftovers. Have a lap that disappears when she stands up. A kiss that can cure anything from a broken leg to a disappointed love affair. And six pairs of hands."
The angel shook her head slowly and said. "Six pairs of hands.... no way."
It's not the hands that are causing me problems," God remarked, "it's the three pairs of eyes that mothers have to have."
That's on the standard model?" asked the angel. God nodded.
One pair that sees through closed doors when she asks, 'What are you kids doing in there?' when she already knows. Another here in the back of her head that sees what she shouldn't but what she has to know, and of course the ones here in front that can look at a child when he goofs up and say. 'I understand and I love you' without so much as uttering a word."
God," said the angel touching his sleeve gently, "Get some rest tomorrow...."
I can't," said God, "I'm so close to creating something so close to myself. Already I have one who heals herself when she is sick...can feed a family of six on one pound of hamburger...and can get a nine year old to stand under a shower."
The angel circled the model of a mother very slowly. "It's too soft," she sighed.
But tough!" said God excitedly. "You can imagine what this mother can do or endure."
Can it think?"
Not only can it think, but it can reason and compromise," said the Creator.
Finally, the angel bent over and ran her finger across the cheek.
There's a leak," she pronounced. "I told You that You were trying to put too much into this model."
It's not a leak," said the Lord, "It's a tear."
What's it for?"
It's for joy, sadness, disappointment, pain, loneliness, and pride."
You are a genius, " said the angel.
Somberly, God said, "I didn't put it there.”
― Erma Bombeck
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