Friday, April 19, 2013

Like Peter

So as I was cleaning out our back bedroom and I ran across my bible from when I was little. I picked this bible because of the neon colors and it had page in the back that said sex in large letters. 

Hmmm... Never heard that word before. "Mom, what is sex?" Hey, kids are curious and I knew I had to buy it to find out. (Note: how to get a kid to buy or read a bible.) Anyways, I must have not liked my handwriting so I made my mom write in the front of it.

I was not aware that I EVER played tennis! haha! I do remember buying an anna kournikova poster at the book fair in elementary which I guess entitled to me to be good at tennis!?!? Book fair day was the best day ever! 

The bible character most like me: Peter

I probably had no idea about Peter's story. I bet I just thought the name sounded funny. Not even on my best days can I compare. I do try...

Peter was one of jesus' disciples. 
Peter's real name was simon, but Jesus gave him the nickname of Peter which means "rock." It would be like the name rocky today. Like Rocky Balboa? 

"Your gunna eat lightning and crap thunder."Sorry had to do it. My hubby is obsessed with the rocky movies. 

Anyways... Peter was VERY human and doubted and denied Jesus. (Matthew 14:25-31) Jesus went out to them on the lake and they were convinced he was a ghost. He told them to take courage and that it was him. "Lord if it's you," Peter replied, "tell me to come to you on the water." "Come", He said. Peter walked on the water toward Jesus. Peter saw the wind and doubted and began to sink. He cried "Lord save me!" Jesus reached out His hand and caught him. "You of little faith," He said, "why did you doubt?" 

Peter then went on to deny Jesus when Jesus was about to be crucified.

Jesus knew Peter had a good heart and considered him his right hand man. He also understood Peter's doubt, knew of his denial, and most of all knew he wasn't perfect. Jesus still loved him anyway. After the crucifixion, Peter went on to preach the story of Jesus and later was crucified as well.

I had a very humble childhood. I grew up with my mom and sister. We had very little money. I think we lived off allsups burritos aka gut bombs (but hey those things are AMAZING just don't forget the taco sauce) and double cheeseburgers most of the time. That was cheaper than buying groceries. We went periods of time with no car or house. Don't get me wrong, I never went without. Thanks to the best mom a girl could ever have and alot of Godly people that knew our situation. 

I cannot tell you how many times I doubted God and asked him "why?" Why me? I tried to keep my faith, but at times it was hard. I think I had alot of prayer warriors. 

Now I understand. God was humbling me to go and spread his word. I know he wants me to talk about his love for me and the fact that through all the storms that I have faced in my life, he has sheltered me, protected me, and given me life. So when you doubt or ask why, just keep the faith because God has a reason and someday it will come to light.

God is giving me the courage daily to share my story and all the wonderful things he has done in my life so that it might encourage others. Maybe he is trying to make me more like Peter. 

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